Continuing Interpreter Education


The following is a summary of the Continuing Interpreter Education requirements for interpreters who are registered with the Court Interpreter Certification and Regulation Program. Please refer to Compliance Requirements for Spoken Language Court InterpretersPDF Download for complete information regarding these requirements.

  • Approved Continuing Interpreter Education
    • Registered interpreters must complete sixteen (16) hours of Continuing Interpreter Education (CIE) every two-year compliance period.
    • A minimum of two (2) CIE hours must be earned at an approved ethics-related program or educational activity every compliance period.
    • Each approved 50 minutes of education shall be considered as one (1) CIE credit hour.
    • No more than 25 percent of the required CIE credits may be satisfied through self-study or group-study. Self-study and group-study credit require preapproval.
      • “Self-study” or “group-study” for the purpose of earning CIE credit refers to a formal educational process in which most of the learning is not instructor-led but has a specific structure and outcomes.
    • Self-study CIE credit for teaching a CIE-approved activity is computed for each 50 minutes of instruction. Credit may only be granted once for each educational activity. The second time the instructor teaches the course, no CIE credit is earned.
    • A maximum of four (4) credits earned in excess of the sixteen (16) hour requirement will be eligible to be carried over from one compliance period to the next two-year compliance period. No credits for self-study or group-study may be carried over to the subsequent compliance period. Courses taken in advance of registration attainment do not count towards CIE fulfillment.
  • Interpreters in search of CIE opportunities may refer to the following lists:
  • A Continuing Education Self-Study or Group-Study Activity Request Form must be completed and submitted to the Court Interpreter Certification and Regulation Program (CICRP) administrator by the individual or group sponsor a minimum of 30 days before the beginning of the study. Interpreters may refer to the List of Sample Course Topics for study ideas. 
  • Providers must submit a Continuing Education Activity Approval Request Form (Provider) to the CICRP administrator a minimum of 30 days prior to the activity. 
  • A renewal application and Continuing Interpreter Education Reporting Form will be mailed to each interpreter 90 days prior to his or her registration expiration date. The CIE Reporting Form is also accessible on the CICRP website. Completed CIE credits must be reported with the submission of the renewal application, not upon completion of each educational activity. Materials submitted prior to the renewal application will not be accepted. 
  • Registered interpreters must submit documentation in support of their completed CIE activities and are required to maintain this documentation for a period of four (4) years from the date of the activity. 
    • Documentation suitable for verifying compliance includes, but is not limited to, the following: official transcripts from accredited colleges and universities; attendance verification documentation; and certificates of successful completion.
  • The requisite forms and biennial renewal fee must be submitted to the CICRP by the interpreter’s registration expiration date to avoid lapse of registration and/or official state-level designation. Registration will not be renewed until all renewal requirements, including CIE, are completed. Interpreters whose registration has lapsed may renew their registration up to 60 days from the lapse date upon payment of a late fee. 
  • Failure to fulfill CIE or other registration requirements within the stated period will result in the revocation of an interpreter’s registration. If an interpreter’s registration is revoked, the interpreter will be removed from the Registry and the trial courts will be so notified. In accordance with rule 14.450, a court interpreter whose registration or official state-level designation has been revoked may submit a written request for reinstatement to the Court Interpreter Certification Board. Reinstatement is at the discretion of the board.  
  • For questions or concerns regarding the requirements for continuing interpreter education, please contact CICRP staff at (850) 922-5107 or

Providers and Programs

Applications for Continuing Interpreter Education Courses 

Court Interpreter Reporting Form for Registration Renewal

Please be observant of the types of CIE courses taken each compliance period.  No more than 25 percent (4 CIE credits) of the required CIE credits may be satisfied through self-study activities.  Some providers offer CIE activities as both scheduled instructor-led courses and on-demand self-study courses.  If the instructor-led version of an activity is approved, this does NOT automatically denote that the self-study version of the activity has been approved for CIE credit and vice-versa. 

Last Modified: November 12, 2024

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